Port of Louisville

Cargo traveling from north, south, east and west via rail, truck and barge converge at Louisville Riverport, a state-of-the-art port facility on the Ohio and Mississippi river system. From its 300-acre port facilities on the Ohio, Riverport links producers and users of commodities and industrial goods utilizing intermodal transportation connections to provide fast and efficient access to domestic and world markets.

Port Facilities

Port facilities include the bulk commodity transfer terminal, barge fleeting area, ground storage, 13 miles of on-site and offsite railroad track, and a general cargo dock.


The bulk commodity terminal transfers dry bulk commodities such as coal, grain, fertilizer and potash, from rail hopper cars to barges. The high performance facility incorporates a 23,000-foot double-loop track with 120-car unit train capability; dumper vault building with track-mounted rail car indexer for receiving bulk cargo; overhead conveyor system for transferring cargo to barges or to ground storage; variable speed blending system; and a marine facility for loading barges. Two barge fleeting areas each accommodate a 30-barge tow.

The transfer terminal is designed to handle more than four million tons of dry bulk commodities a year working at the rate of 2,000 tons an hour. An entire 120-car train can be off-loaded in an eight-hour shift.The multi-purpose general cargo dock handles loading and unloading of materials such as lumber, steel, and containerized freight, as well as bulk commodities utilizing truck transportation. The general-cargo dock features truck-to-barge and barge-to-truck off-loading capabilities via a 30-ton overhead crane. The crane completes each cycle of transfer from barge to truck and return in less than two minutes. On-site warehousing is available. Located at Mile 618, Louisville Riverport is 1,334 miles from the Gulf of Mexico, a transit time of 10 to 12 days.

8252 Port Road

Louisville, KY 40258

Phone: 502.937.9995

Fax: 812.951.2485


  • 300-acre port facility
  • 13 miles on-site and offsite railroad track
  • 23,000-foot double-loop track with 120-car unit train capability
  • Intermodal transportation transfer: Rail, Truck, and Barge
  • On-Site Warehousing Services